Over the last year my life has undergone quite a lot of changes. I have moved home twice and started a new job with lots of smaller bits of life inbetween. Although I have really enjoyed he changes, and now live in a great place and have a great job now, it did mean that my photography suffered a little. I have taken a few shots over the year, but have hardly done any processing or uploading of those images.
But my mojo is now officially back! I have managed to catch up with the processing and have uploaded the years back catalogue. So I am now up to date with my processing and posting, and have time to get back into taking more shots. Im going to try and keep ontop of the photography this time and will keep posting up to date.
Talking of my new job, I now work as a Digital Arts and Media Technician at Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne. I am loving the job so far, and it is providing me with a great many opportunities, both career wise and photograpically. I now have access to a range of equipment, from medium format film cameras, right up to 10×8 large format cameras and large format printers. I also have access to film scanners, so I may try shooting on film in the not too distant future. It is quite likely that we will be getting digital medium format cameras and digital view cameras, so I’m eager to give them a try as well.
Another opportunity that work has provided me with is getting my work exhibited. As part of a showcase of the universities work, my shot; ‘Blue Light District’ is going to be exhibited in Kobe, Japan. I’m quite excited by this, and hopefully it is the start of several exhibitions this year. I have been promising myself to be more proactive in showcasing my work, so intend to have several exhibitions over the following year, from smaller collections in local coffee shops to full exhibitions in art galleries.